
穿梭大街小巷,体验真正的广州。充分利用你在这里的时间,去甚至当地人都不知道的地方感受广州韵味。加入我们悠闲的自行车和徒步之旅,深入老广州的隐藏小巷,发掘当地人的文化和生活方式,并沉浸于 这个历史城市的灵魂。参加我们的周末度假,体验中国南部最美丽的山脉,海滩和古老的村庄。为您的组织和 VIP 带来量身定制的团队建设活动和私人旅游和周末游玩。

我们不是穿紧身裤高速奔驰的赛车活动!我们更喜欢慢下来,骑行或步行。我们提供个人,专业,全方位的行程服务,让你体验最好的广州和周边地区。 欢迎浏览我们网站,在社交媒体上关注我们,联系我们获取了解更多信息。我们期待与您在广州相见。









"A brilliant and memorable Cantonese City experience. It’s like cycling with good friends. Our guides were very knowledgeable and patient. They provide detailed explanations of the many sites. At all times the cycling was safe and led professionally. Most of the route was through alleyways and gave us the feel of real urban China street life"
William (USA) - Historian
"If you would like to know more about Guangzhou then you must take this Canton Cycle. Very enjoyable and relax activity."
Rudy (Indonesia) - Businessman
"After living in Guangzhou for two years, I finally feel like I have insight into this city and its rich culture. I recommend this leisurely cycling experience to anyone!"
Lindsey (Canada) - Event Organiser
"It was the best thing we've done in Guangzhou, without a doubt"
Ben (UK) - Architect
"I've travelled all over the world and can honestly say that your tour is one of the most interesting and enjoyable "tourist activities" I've done! Guangzhou was certainly an unexpected but pleasant surprise and a great way to end my trip!"
Dave (New Zealand) - IT Specialist
"The tour is taken at a nice, leisurely pace and is reassuringly professional. A rare opportunity to see authentic Canton"
Will (UK) - Journalist
"A journey through the heart of Guangzhou. I did not expect such variety in views along this route. I feel like I've seen the real Guangzhou!"
Harrie (Holland) – Education Consultant
"I only had 12 hours in Guangzhou and this cycle tour allowed me to see much of the city’s beauty and diversity. The guides were really professional and I was very impressed with their knowledge on the different sites, and on Chinese culture in general!"
Henk Beerten (Holland) – Deputy Mayor
"Fantastic way to explore the city, and learn about its rich past and exciting future. The stories, anecdotes and deep insights I gained from this tour, have provided me with a much better understanding of Guangzhou"
Maxime Verhagen - Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands
