Ontdek het echte Guangzhou!

Ga van de gebaande paden en ontdek het échte Guangzhou. Op onze fiets- en wandeltours ontdekken we de oude wijken van het historische Canton! Laat je meenemen naar onbekende plekken diep in de traditionele wijken, waar we ons onderdompelen in het hart van deze historische stad, en de cultuur en levens van de lokale mensen meemaken. Op onze Weekend Trips bezoek je de mooiste bergen, stranden en antieke dorpjes van Zuid China. Voor jouw organisatie en VIP's organiseren we op jouw wensen toegesneden Teamuitjes en Privétours.

Wij zijn geen racewielrenners in strakke broekjes met een Strava account! Wij ontdekken de stad graag langzaam, per fiets of lopend, om zo van de mooiste plekken te kunnen genieten. We bieden persoonlijke, professionale, all-inclusive trips naar de beste plekken in en rondom Guangzhou en Zuid China.

Bekijk onze website, volg ons op sociale media, en stuur ons een berichtje. We hopen je snel te mogen verwelkomen!

Volg ons voor sfeerimpressies en updates!

Dit zeggen onze gasten...

"I only had 12 hours in Guangzhou and this cycle tour allowed me to see much of the city’s beauty and diversity. The guides were really professional and I was very impressed with their knowledge on the different sites, and on Chinese culture in general!"
Henk Beerten (Holland) – Deputy Mayor
"After living in Guangzhou for two years, I finally feel like I have insight into this city and its rich culture. I recommend this leisurely cycling experience to anyone!"
Lindsey (Canada) - Event Organiser
"A brilliant and memorable Cantonese City experience. It’s like cycling with good friends. Our guides were very knowledgeable and patient. They provide detailed explanations of the many sites. At all times the cycling was safe and led professionally. Most of the route was through alleyways and gave us the feel of real urban China street life"
William (USA) - Historian
"Fantastic way to explore the city, and learn about its rich past and exciting future. The stories, anecdotes and deep insights I gained from this tour, have provided me with a much better understanding of Guangzhou"
Maxime Verhagen - Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands
"I've travelled all over the world and can honestly say that your tour is one of the most interesting and enjoyable "tourist activities" I've done! Guangzhou was certainly an unexpected but pleasant surprise and a great way to end my trip!"
Dave (New Zealand) - IT Specialist
"If you would like to know more about Guangzhou then you must take this Canton Cycle. Very enjoyable and relax activity."
Rudy (Indonesia) - Businessman
"A journey through the heart of Guangzhou. I did not expect such variety in views along this route. I feel like I've seen the real Guangzhou!"
Harrie (Holland) – Education Consultant
"It was the best thing we've done in Guangzhou, without a doubt"
Ben (UK) - Architect
"The tour is taken at a nice, leisurely pace and is reassuringly professional. A rare opportunity to see authentic Canton"
Will (UK) - Journalist

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